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Business by Card


Business by Card

Business cards are internationally recognized as a means of introduction and information exchange but in many cultures they are also seen as a representation of the individual. The basic etiquette rule is to present your card in the best manner in which you would present yourself. It is not a piece of paper listing your contact information but it is a branding tool for you and your company. Business cards continue to be one of the most cost effective ways to market a business so present them in right manner. Keep the following points in mind:

·        Always carry sufficient quantity of cards with you to exchange with potential clients. Even on holidays, you are very likely to find many important contacts and business card exchanges take place in the most unlikely places.

·        You should give someone your card when you first meet them. This could be part of your initial introduction, or at the end of your first meeting. (Make sure the time is appropriate). Never hand out more than one card to a new contact-unless asked. Leaving two or three may give the signal that you may want to make contacts which is unprofessional.

·        Hold the card in both hands when offering it – hold the top edges/corner and ensure that the card is not held upside down- It should be in readable position for the receiver.

·        Wait until someone of higher rank asks for your card or a third party has introduced you. Your boss will appreciate the respect you show for his/her time by waiting for the proper opportunity to present your card.

·        Place business cards on bulletin boards at local restaurants, supermarkets, libraries, and your children's schools. If you see a fishbowl offering a drawing for a prize, throw your business card in. Somebody important might see it and contact you. Develop a strategy for using business cards to actively promote your business .It may be as simple as deciding to give 5 or 10 cards away every day.

·        Include business cards with all of your correspondence; including bills you pay. . Send business cards with all thank you notes and letters you send out. Include your contact information in your email signature as well. It serves as an electronic business card.

·        Use them as scrap paper when you need to jot down a note .Instead of a napkin, use the back of your business card to write in your cell phone number. "This is my direct line," you might say, making the prospect feel important and giving him or her reason to keep your card.

·        Do not force your card on those who have not asked for it .You should wait for the opportunity to come up naturally, such as when someone specifically asks for it or you are engaged in a conversation about business.  the card will probably be thrown away if the recipient lacks genuine interest when receiving it.  Don't be pushy. Make sure the time is appropriate.

·        Do not enclose business cards in personal or emotional correspondence .Condolences, get well soon, and even congratulations should be handwritten with no business card accompanying it. 

Business cards are one of the most dominant advertising tools accessible to you and your company. If you know use them properly, you can rest assured that they will give you better return. So - Be prepared at all times. Have plenty of business cards but hand them out in a courteous manner. It's a cost-effective way to market yourself and your business.

Share your feedback with us :

Sarita Sharda
Professional Image Makeover| Wedding Image Makeover Consultant | Image Panorama
Mobile: 9953485680


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