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 Wardrobe styling for A Public Speaker 

Your first impression matters a lot when you are speaking publicly.  What you wear, your body language, grooming reflects a lot about you and shows your seriousness about event. With little planning and preparation,  one can impress audience and  abolish the greatest fear of public speaking.


Dressing correctly helps in  creating the first impression among your audience. On the other hand dressing  casually and inappropriately also means that you  are not serious towards the whole idea of addressing people and eventually your audience also find it extremely difficult to concentrate on your speech. Gaurav had excellent public speaking skills. But once he  went casually and untidily dressed to address his team members. Neither did he bother to iron his clothes nor polish his shoes. The  audience perceived him to be a lazy and careless person who did not bother to take care of his own clothes. How would such a person take care of the team or for that matter entire organization?

Dressing plays an essential role in public speaking. It is the way you dress which speaks volumes about your personality and confidence. A public speaker needs to dress as per the occasion, time, season, event and audience. Bottom line is that public speaker dress-up should be appropriate to event and audience and authentic to his/her own  personality.



1. Confusion Is Normal. So prepare in advance:

To avoid last minute rush, the best way to overcome wardrobe anxiety is to prepare well in advance. Take into consideration your speech, venue and audience and create an appropriate and authentic look as per that. Once you have become comfortable with the overall look of your dress, accessories and other associate things, try before hand and  get a friend/expert  to critique and comment.

2. Know Your Audience. Your dress-up should be in consideration with region, culture and tradition of audience. Before you begin to look for your dress, consider who the message is intended for. Learn as much about your listeners as you can. This will help you determine your choice of clothes, accessories and your overall look . Audiences generally like a personal touch in your look.

3.Style yourself in  Most Effective Manner to Attain Your Purpose. Make sure you style yourself in a such a way  that you are able  to grab the audience’s attention in the first 30 seconds. You will establish better credibility if your personality shines through, and your audience will trust you more if they  see  a real person in you.

Add accessories, color pattern from their region, culture and tradition and use them in a such a  way so that you are not only getting their attention infact getting their respect.

4.  The event: Event plays a part when you are  speaking publicly . Are you speaking outdoors or indoors? Is there a theme color for the event? For example: If you are speaking about gardening try to choose green color and on the other hand if you are speaking on women health  issues then color should be pink. If you are into creative jobs than your attire can be colorful and if you are confused than neutral can never go wrong. Dress as per event, your company’s brand, product ,logo, venue and weather.

Comfortability: Wear clothes that you are comfortable in and that fit well to you. If you wear something that you have to keep  adjusting constantly, super tight or super loose and any sort of wardrobe malfunctioning is not acceptable.

Do not forget that dressing sensibly plays an essential role in earning respect. it certainly reflects your seriousness towards job and life in general as well as your upbringing, thought process and overall attitude. It gives you confidence and make you not only excellent speaker but also a favourite among audience.

Take out a minute and  share your experience with us. Feel free to write or call t to 9953485680. For more details visit


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